Cook vs. Chef
17 May 2020

Cook vs. Chef

No recipe is given for the response to the COVID19 Crisis

That’s why Cooks are panicking while Chefs are rolling their sleeves getting down to their kitchen labs.

“I created this business in the first place and I will just have to recreate it with the tools and ingredients that I can get my hands on now.”

That’s what chefs are telling themselves now.

Who knows? Maybe the new recipe will be more tasty and popular than the previous one?

I’m a people’s person as they call them and I don’t let a Personality Assessment test go by without pursuing it.

On a recent test called “The Big Five Aspects Scale”, I scored 96/100 for Openness to Experience and also scored 12/100 in Orderliness.

Needless to say, the description of the Orderliness score was quite insulting. But there was something interesting, about the test and its meaning.

There is no right or wrong answer.

We are made to fulfill different functions and to complement each other’s competences.

I can see a pattern emerging from the many conversations I’m having with business owners, executives, and their teams during this crisis.

Where there had been no systems in place, sometimes projects are faced with a lot of resistance and the Chefs are often not given the space to innovate.

If you own a restaurant, do you have to be the best chef in town? You actually do not.  If you can spot the best chefs and give them the space to innovate.

Remember that now is the time for this.

  • Acknowledge what you are good and not good at
  • Bring forth complementary skillsets and empower the chefs
  • Demonstrate openness in pursuing innovative ideas
  • Accept failure as part of the journey towards a new secret receipt
In my most recent email, I highlighted that 40% of businesses are projected to fail due to the COVID-19 Crisis. And that Innovation (And Strategy Redesign) should be one of 5 main pillars to your response to COVID19.
Since then I have seen fabulous stories of entrepreneurs and executives who came up with innovations to keep their business running during the Crisis.

We are featuring some of these stories and scouting for more examples and best practices for our central COVID19 Business Continuity Emergency Response Landing Page

If you know a company and/or an entrepreneur who turned their business around during the COVID19 Crisis, we would love to hear from them and share their story.

And remember that you give {contactfield=companyname} the best chance to maintain profitability and growth by:

Unleashing your inner chef
Bringing forth and empowering chefs

Adding to the resources available in our COVID19 page, I have released the materials for The Competitive Strategy Workshop to be available for download for free. 

  • Learn more about the workshop (Here)
  • Download the materials for Free (PDF)
  • Download the Playing to win Strategy Canvas (DOCX)
The kitchen is waiting…

Abdo Magdy

Founder at Egypreneur

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